We are facing one of the biggest challenges in human history, the world is changing in a rhythm without precedents and most of us are unaware of the consequences and the danger we may face. Our behaviour is harming our world, the industry overproduces, over-extracts, over-pollutes and over-wastes to support our wealthy way of living. We have been so inconsequent in these past years, that we have started changing the ocean – which was thought to be far too big to be affected by us. https://as2.ftcdn.net/v2/jpg/04/22/61/85/1000_F_422618559_aRLqzp8FaxIzkSf08dh496zKlAhba9I0.jpg The ocean is where life started, the most diverse forms of life live there. More than half of all oxygen that we breathe is from the ocean. It controls the climate by distributing the heat and the global temperature by absorbing the heat. Without a healthy ocean, there is no life on Earth. Yet, it is still an alien in our planet, we put billions into exploring what is out there and we forgot what our pri...
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