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Sustainability with Lego

We were challenged to talk about sustainability. However, this was not a common conversation, where we debated our ideas and came to a conclusion. Instead, we demonstrated our thoughts through Lego.

Each one of us had the same amount of pieces and had to create what was, in our opinion, an example of what's not sustainable.

Here are the results:

Picture 1 - Overpopulation & Industrialization

Picture 2 - Polluting vehicles

Picture 3 - Pools in dry regions

Picture 4 - Vehicles that destroy nature

Picture 5 - Factories

Picture 6 - Short distance flights

Picture 7 - Formula 1 from the future

After presenting our creations, we faced another challenge: If what we had just created was not sustainable, then what was? We now had acess to all the Lego bricks available in the classroom, leaving us with the opportunity to spread our creativity on the table.

We delievered it as pictured:

Picture 8 - Sustainable energy from garbage

Picture 9 - Creating a new enviroment for the animals; reflorestation

Picture 10 - Harmony and balance by coexisting with nature

Picture 11 - Less interferance with nature, watch but don't touch

Picture 12 - Recycling and avoiding fuel-moved vehicles

Picture 13 - Trees and nature

Picture 14 - A space where nature and people can coexist

To conclude our dynamic, in order to create a "world" full of sustainable ideas, we gathered all of our colleagues creations and joined them in a larger base, so they could coexist.


  1. We really broke the ice with this Lego Serious Play challenge in terms of communication, problem-solving, and creative thinking!

    As you built Lego bricks models representing your thoughts and ideas about sustainability creative thinking was stimulated and insights not easily accessible through traditional discussion methods were unlocked. I believe we all realized how collaborative thinking and effective communication are essential when dealing with the concept of sustainability.

    Sharing your stories and engaging in discussions facilitated by the Lego bricks activities fostered creativity, improved the class/team dynamics, and will hopefully generate innovative solutions for the IPL Benfica campus.

    Looking forward to read more posts!

  2. I really liked this concept of building legos to approach such a serious matter we have in hands nowadays.
    I think it's very important to talk about sustainability in a creative way where everyone can give their input and show their thoughts.
    The legos "spoke" for themselves. The fact that everyone could say so much without talking was beautiful.

  3. This concept was really well implemented, with lots of creativity shown in all the pictures.
    It is amazing how each and every picture is unique in explaining what is not sustainable and what is sustainable, and what we can do to improve our planet and quality of life in a such a small Lego assembly.
    Overall, it is a job well done.

  4. Susana EncarnaçãoApril 25, 2024 at 12:44 PM

    It´s amazing how we can use lego building in the development of topics as serious and important as sustainability. Playing with Lego bricks, it is possible to alert people to actions that harm nature and the environment and to others that promote environmental sustainability.
    Legos should be used more frequently and at all levels of education. Learning with legos it´s funny, it works as a fantastic ice breaker and facilitator of communication. It helps in the development of soft skills, such as teamwork, communication, problem-solving, and critical and creative thinking.

  5. This is a great idea! The work with Legos allows to express some of the advantages and disadvantages of using more sustainable vehicles, as we can see in the pictures above. The pictures help us to learn how we can be eco-friendly and choose sustainable options for our lives and in the same way preserve the environment or the animals that live in there.
    In the teenagers class, we also used Legos to create our sustainable canteen. We could express our opinion about what is a sustainable canteen and how we could make it better. The experience was amazing!!
    Maria Gonçalves and Júlia Santos


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