Our semester is coming to an end and there’s only a few topics left to discuss. This time, it was about the word “Play”. What could we say about this subject? It involves a variety of things, such as sports, puzzles, board games, video and online games yet other things like playing with nature and also, in a more literal meaning, playing with words. We, as a class, had to relate play and sustainability by building our ideas with the help of Lego pieces. So, we decided that the best idea would be to incorporate several sustainable sports into an Olympic competition of the future, where the importance of recycling is shown and praised, because in this case it would mean that you could also take a prize home. It went as pictured: It will be a pet friendly place, so you won't need to keep your four-legged friends at home to enjoy the show. Instead of the regular sports we're used to seeing on television, this time we came up with some ideas, as followed: A relay race where the ...